Created by Ainsley and Violet from Girl Scout Troop 7489

Welcome to the City of Page Adopt-A-Trail program! This portal will give you information and the tools you will need to participate and maintain the Rim Trail’s natural beauty. What is Adopt-A-Trail?  Adopt-A-Trail is a program that provides a way for the community to be involved in keeping our trails clean and safe.

Why and how the program came to be:

We identified a need within the City of Page for trail maintenance. The Rim Trail is 10.2 miles long and encircles the city of Page. The trail is utilized for various activities from dog walking to marathons and is too big to constantly be overseen by the Parks & Trails department alone.  We chose to begin this effort since we had seen it to be sustainable and work in other areas. The Adopt-A-Trail program is both giving back to the community and is sustainable. Through Girl Scouts we have learned the importance of our city and it shows our pride in the City of Page.

Why should you sign up?

Signing up for the Adopt-A-Trail program will allow you to be involved in your community. By signing up for the Adopt-A-Trail program you will be able to have a sign in your name on the trail recognizing you for your efforts to help the trail. On the sign you will also be able to advertise your business, club, organization or in memoriam.

Qualifications and Responsibilities

    • Clean the adopted section at least twice a year
    • Pick up, bag litter, and dispose
    • Inspect the condition of trail and signs
    • Submit a complete Trail Report form after each workday
    • Sponsors are required to commit to the program for a least 2 years
    • If the trail work is done as a group, one individual 18 or older must be designated as the group leader and liaison to the City of Page to complete the Trail Report form
    • All sponsors must sign and submit a enrollment form before the beginning of their duties as trail adopters
    • Sponsors must complete and submit a Trail Report form after each trail workday
    • Limit work to the designated trail


    • Power tools and machinery are not permitted
    • Do not pick up any hazardous materials or unreasonable heavy objects-report these objects on the Trail Report
    • Volunteers are responsible for providing their own water and transportation to/from the trail

Rim Trail Map